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Diagnostic Imaging.

When we need to look deeper, beyond the surface, that’s when we look to first-line diagnostic imaging services for the answer. The type of imaging the veterinarian will order for your pet will very much depend on your pet’s condition. Unlike what you might experience at your family GP, you will not be given a referral slip for off-site ultrasound or radiology. These services are available on-site and we always have staff on duty who are able to operate them.


We are proud to offer our patients high-quality digital x-rays which produce diagnostic images in mere seconds. Patient’s receive mild sedation in order to achieve correct positioning for x-rays and minimise radiation exposure to staff. In the click of a button, an high detail x-ray image is produced and projected onto a computer monitor. From here, your veterinarian is able to perform measurements and manipulations in order to achieve a diagnosis. 

The digital nature of our radiology gives us the advantage of sharing x-ray imaging not only with you but also with specialist radiologists when a second opinion is needed.

Dental Radiology

An absolutely essential part of any dental examination involves intra-oral radiographs. This gives us an accurate indication if your pet is suffering from pain that they cannot communicate – for instance, abscessed or broken tooth roots. It is also essential to guide tooth extractions to ensure your pet is not unnecessarily traumatised.


Ultrasound is often used as a means of triage in our emergency patients. When patients are having difficulty breathing or showing signs of abdominal distress, an ultrasound will be used to determine if there is fluid accumulation in the abdomen or chest. Your pet will often be the recipient of a very interesting haircut if they require ultrasound. This is because hair interferes with the travelling sound waves from the ultrasound probe and can distort the image. 

Outside of the emergency room, ultrasound can be used to assess the heart size and condition, gut position and thickness and internal lymph node size and structure. In these cases, it is often to your pet’s benefit to have an external expert ultrasonographer perform a highly detailed sonographic examination. In these cases, we will make all arrangements for you, so that your pet never has to leave the hospital.

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John Smith
Marketing Director
Master cleanse banh mi blog kinfolk, pitchfork try-hard mustache paleo. Tumblr church-key vice brooklyn whatever chia. Single-origin coffee echo park 3 wolf moon salvia humblebrag distillery palo santo.
John Smith
Marketing Director
Master cleanse banh mi blog kinfolk, pitchfork try-hard mustache paleo. Tumblr church-key vice brooklyn whatever chia. Single-origin coffee echo park 3 wolf moon salvia humblebrag distillery palo santo.
John Smith
Marketing Director