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The consultation process is all about you and your pet. It is important to us that you both feel comfortable with your veterinarian. Therefore, we strongly encourage you to request the same vet with us, similar to how you would traditionally see a family doctor. 

Whilst your pet familiarises themselves with their new surroundings, your veterinarian will be interested in taking a thorough history of your concerns. It’s therefore important that the family member presenting the pet is someone who is able to answer detailed questions about the animal. 

Once your pet is feeling comfortable, the clinician will then proceed with a physical examination of your pet. Depending on your pet, this may take place on the examination table, on the floor, or even in your lap! There are some pet’s who might be too sore or too anxious to allow us to perform a check-up. These pets might be provided with light sedation or anti-anxiety treatment to help facilitate an exam. 

After a thorough physical examination of your pet, the veterinarian will discuss their findings with you and create a plan for your pet. The plan may involve performing some tests to get more answers, such as blood tests or x-rays, or starting a treatment regime, such as medication or diet adjustments.

Some tests that may be performed during your consultation include tissues samples of lumps and rashes, blood or urine tests. Other tests, such as CT scans or x-rays, may require your pet to be admitted into the hospital in preparation of the procedure. 

The consultation process very much works as an open conversation, and your input is invited. At the very end of your consultation, you can expect your veterinarian to arrange a follow-up appointment to assess your pet’s progress and set the plan for the next steps. 

TIP: Write down any questions you can think of before the consultation so that you can make sure you don’t get home with the classic “Oops! I forgot to ask the doctor to trim his nails!”

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John Smith
Marketing Director
Master cleanse banh mi blog kinfolk, pitchfork try-hard mustache paleo. Tumblr church-key vice brooklyn whatever chia. Single-origin coffee echo park 3 wolf moon salvia humblebrag distillery palo santo.
John Smith
Marketing Director
Master cleanse banh mi blog kinfolk, pitchfork try-hard mustache paleo. Tumblr church-key vice brooklyn whatever chia. Single-origin coffee echo park 3 wolf moon salvia humblebrag distillery palo santo.
John Smith
Marketing Director
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