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Emergency Services


24 hours a day, 365 days a week – we are here for you. Our hospital is always staffed with a veterinarian and hospital team. This means that we are always ready and able to help if you were to ever need us. 

After regular clinic hours, patients are seen on a triage basis. This means that no appointments are required and patients are seen in order of medical priority. Until a veterinarian is able to see your pet, they will be examined by a veterinary nurse. The nurse will relay your pet’s status to the veterinarian, who will arrange for immediate treatment or pain relief if required. 

Consultations outside of appointment hours consist of anything from really sore ears to snake bites and road traffic accidents. Although in this circumstance, sore ears may seem trivial, they cause your pet pain and sometimes it’s just too long to wait until the morning for relief. 

Our emergency veterinarians have access to all of the hospital’s regular facilities, including double sterile operating theatre and CT scanner. They also make full use of the hospital’s onsite pharmacy, including antivenin and life-saving adrenalin. Our emergency veterinary team is fully equipped to perform life-saving surgery overnight if so required. Because we are fully staffed 24 hours, this means that your pet will not be in an unattended hospital overnight, as is the case with most veterinary clinics.

On any given night, our emergency veterinarians will be reviving patient’s on the brink of death, performing critical surgery and assisting families to farewell their pets. Just like a human hospital, it is an unpredictable environment and emotions can run very high – so we thank you for your patience and understanding during your visit.

Has your pet been diagnosed with an illness requiring overnight hospitalisation? Is your regular clinic staffed overnight? If the answer is no, then we are more than happy to help with an overnight monitoring arrangement where we can monitor and walk your pet overnight, administer any of the medications your vet has prescribed and send them back to your regular clinic in the morning. 

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John Smith
Marketing Director
Master cleanse banh mi blog kinfolk, pitchfork try-hard mustache paleo. Tumblr church-key vice brooklyn whatever chia. Single-origin coffee echo park 3 wolf moon salvia humblebrag distillery palo santo.
John Smith
Marketing Director
Master cleanse banh mi blog kinfolk, pitchfork try-hard mustache paleo. Tumblr church-key vice brooklyn whatever chia. Single-origin coffee echo park 3 wolf moon salvia humblebrag distillery palo santo.
John Smith
Marketing Director
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